Dr. Ayesha Maqsood

Dr. Ayesha Maqsood is a practicing medical practitioner. She is an MBBS graduate of National University of Medical Sciences(NUMS). She tries her best to impart her knowledge to benefit mankind as much as she can. Along side being a a physician, she has found her true passion in the world of writing too.

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Cutaneous Candidiasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

Being the largest tissue of the body, the skin provides shelter to multiple microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Most microorganisms are not harmful...

Hoarseness: Causes, Remedies, and Vocal Health Tips

Hoarseness is characterized by a husky and raspy voice, which is most commonly caused by an underlying disease of the larynx or vocal cords,...

Brugada Syndrome – Understanding the Silent Threat

Brugada syndrome is a rare condition that can lead to abnormal heartbeat. It can be very dangerous and is caused by faulty genes inherited...

Nephrolithiasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nephrolithiasis, aka "Kidney Stones, Renal Canculi," is a prevalent and excruciating condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. The condition results from mineral deposits...