Dr. Fizza Maqsood

Fizza Maqsood is a Dentist by profession & a writer by choice. She has done her bachelors in Dentistry from CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry, Pakistan. She wants to contribute the knowledge she has to benefit the world and to create awareness about specific ailments. Other than medicine & writing, she has interests in freelancing & baking too!

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Crown Lengthening: Enhancing Your Smile and Oral Health

Teeth serve multiple essential functions, including aiding in digestion, contributing to aesthetic appearance, enabling clear speech, and facilitating smiles. The ideal positioning and shape...

Hyperdontia: The Phenomenon of Extra Teeth Explained

Hyperdontia, also referred to as supernumerary teeth, is a dental condition characterized by additional teeth beyond the normal dentition. In the usual course of...

What is Pellagra?

Pellagra is a skin condition or disease that a patient acquires when his diet is insufficient in niacin(vitamin B-3) or Tryptophan. The Italian terms...