
What are Removable Partial Dentures? A Comprehensive Guide

Tooth loss not only hinders the normal function of your teeth but also affects your appearance. Patients often opt for artificial replacements like dentures to restore both aesthetics and...

Dental Sealants: Protecting Your Smile for a Lifetime

In the oral cavity, teeth break the larger food particles into smaller ones to make working of digestive...

Malocclusion: Understanding Causes, Effects & Treatment Options

Malocclusion is a dental condition characterized by misalignment or improper positioning of the teeth when the jaws are...

Crown Lengthening: Enhancing Your Smile and Oral Health

Teeth serve multiple essential functions, including aiding in digestion, contributing to aesthetic appearance, enabling clear speech, and facilitating...

Hyperdontia: The Phenomenon of Extra Teeth Explained

Hyperdontia, also referred to as supernumerary teeth, is a dental condition characterized by additional teeth beyond the normal...

Do You Have Jaw Clicking?

Jaw clicking or popping, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD), is a crepitus or jaw clicking and cracking sound produced during jaw movement....

Chipped Tooth – What to do?

Overview: A fractured or chipped tooth is one of the most commonly encountered dental problems. According to a survey, 34 to 74% of people between...

Root Canal Treatment – Here’s all that you need to know

Has your dentist just prescribed you a Root Canal Treatment? If so, you may feel apprehensive and have many questions about the procedure. In...