

Brachioradial Pruritus: Managing the Itch and Sensory Changes

Brachioradial Pruritus is a medical condition involving localized dysesthesia (a set of symptoms associated with unusual touch sensations) of the upper limb. In this condition, you feel pain and...

Necrotizing Fasciitis: The Fast-Spreading Flesh Infection

Necrotizing Fasciitis is a severe infection in your skin and soft tissues that occurs due to the introduction...

Halo Nevus: Understanding Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Halo Nevus, a coin-shaped pigmented mole with a surrounding non-pigmented area, is a common skin condition that occurs...

Pemphigus Vulgaris: Key Insights & Treatment Options

What is Pemphigus Vulgaris? Pemphigus vulgaris belongs to the group of rare autoimmune disorders in which the body's immune...

Lichen Planus: Understanding Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Lichen Planus (LP) is a chronic condition characterized by an inflammatory rash that can appear on the skin...

Is Roseola Contagious? – An Infection that Affects Children Once in their Lifetime 

Overview Roseola, also known as Roseola Infantum or Sixth Disease, is a fairly common infectious disease that affects newborns and toddlers. A study also suggests...

What is Pellagra?

Pellagra is a skin condition or disease that a patient acquires when his diet is insufficient in niacin(vitamin B-3) or Tryptophan. The Italian terms...

From Hormones to Hygiene: A Comprehensive Guide to Body Acne Causes and Treatment

Body acne is a chronic skin condition commonly occurring anytime in life. It appears as breakouts anywhere on your body except your face. Acne...

Chigger Bites: Tiny army, not-so-tiny bites

Chigger bites are caused by Chiggers, which are tiny orange-red bugs responsible for intense itching and reddish bumps on your body. This blog post...