Dr. Asmaa Qamar

Dr. Asmaa Qamar is a pharmacist and medical writer skilled in medication management and crafting clear, accurate medical content. Combines clinical expertise with strong communication to optimize patient care and disseminate critical healthcare information

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Glomerular Disease: Causes, Effects & Management

Glomerular disease refers to a set of diseases that affect the filtering elements of the kidney, the glomeruli. Damaged glomeruli cannot filter the blood,...

Graves Eye Disease: Symptoms, Risks & Treatment Options

Graves' Eye Disease, also known as Graves' ophthalmopathy or thyroid eye disease (TED), is an autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammation and swelling of the...

Peroneal Tendonitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is Peroneal Tendonitis? Peroneal tendonitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the peroneal tendons located on the outer side of the ankle. These tendons connect...

Zellweger Syndrome: Shedding Light on the Rare Genetic Disorder

What is Zellweger Syndrome? Zellweger syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that disrupts cellular function and usually appears soon after birth. Named after Dr. Hans...

Placenta Previa: Causes, Symptoms & Management

Placenta previa is an obstetrical complication where the placenta completely or partially covers the cervix, resulting in vaginal bleeding. Normally, the placenta is far...