

Thrush in Babies: Tips for Managing and Preventing It

What is Thrush? Thrush in babies, also known as oral thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis, is a common fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast in the mouth. It...

Prader-Willi Syndrome: Understanding the Genetic Disorder

What is Prader-Willi Syndrome? Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare multisystem genetic disorder affecting the metabolic, endocrine, and neurologic...

Omphalocele: Causes, Treatment & Support

Omphalocele is an inborn disorder in which a defect in your child's central abdominal wall causes protrusion of...

Zellweger Syndrome: Shedding Light on the Rare Genetic Disorder

What is Zellweger Syndrome? Zellweger syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that disrupts cellular function and usually appears soon...

Congenital Syphilis: Diagnoses, Symptoms, Treatment

Syphilis results from infection with Treponema Pallidum. Congenital Syphilis (CS) occurs when the Treponema bacterium is transmitted from...

Pierre Robin Syndrome: Understanding the Condition

Pierre Robin Syndrome, a rare congenital disorder, manifests with facial and mouth deformities that impede breathing. It can occur independently or alongside syndromes like...

Pompe Disease: Understanding Symptoms & Treatments

What is Pompe Disease? Pompe disease, also referred to as Glycogen Storage Disease Type II (GSDII), is a rare genetic disorder characterized by muscle wasting...

Lennox Gastaut Syndrome: Understanding The Complexity

Lennox Gastaut Syndrome is an epileptic disorder that occurs in infants and children. This condition is also called childhood encephalopathy. Infants or children with...

Kwashiorkor: Causes, Complications & Prevention Strategies

What is Kwashiorkar? Kwashiorkor is a type of malnutrition linked with severe protein deficiency. It causes fluid retention, leading to a visibly distended and protruded...

Crigler Najjar Syndrome: Understanding a Rare Condition

Crigler Najjar syndrome is an inherited disorder in which genetic abnormality causes a poor function of enzymes involved in bilirubin processing, and it leads...

ARFID: How does it differ from other restrictive eating disorders?

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is among the common eating disorders in teenagers. A study suggestsNicely TA, Lane-Loney S, Masciulli E, Hollenbeak CS, Ornstein...